Thursday, January 28, 2010

Let there be light?

I am currently sitting in a pitch black room because the light in our room is out... We are quite confused as to what to do considering the other lights on this side of the apartment are now also going off one, by one... Either our new internet is sucking the power out of our apartment, or someone/something is coming to get us. I'm not sure which one I prefer at this point because we will most likely be in big trouble for not telling Vicki that we got internet and that could be just as bad as being visited by the boogie man since Mama Vicki is in charge of our food/shelter etc. Until she returns from wherever she sneaks off to we are sitting by the light of our laptops.. Like the olden days right? :)

It is glorious to know that we do not have school tomorrow! (Now I know how the business majors at Mizzou feel.. hah) There was excitement in the air today because we leave early tomorrow morning for Granada! I seriously feel like I'm in grade-school and tomorrow is a field trip! (Wish you we're a parent helper for this one Mom!) Granada is one of the 8 important cities in the Andalucia region (southern part) of Spain and is nestled in the mountains exactly due East of Seville. It is known for its beautiful Arabic architecture and for skiing! There will also be gypsies there? I'm excited!! The bus ride will be about 4 hours tomorrow so we need to decided how much fun we're planning on having tonight or else that could be miserable! We also need to start packing (we all know I will be packing tomorrow at 8.) I also need to start getting ready but because we are living in darkness we probably should NOT start doing any of the beautifying process. Thus, here we are! I'm downloading pictures but they take forever to upload on this blog!

Well, Vicki just walked in and after the brains of 4 American girls and 1 Spanish senora I am happy to say that we fixed the light and all the other lights now work! Woohoo! We are alive and can now see how much progress needs to be done before we head out into the public eye.. Vicki asked us if we wanted macaroni for dinner and we all just got really excited! Now we wait until we hear "Cheeeeee-ckaaaasss" (chicas) the way she always says it!

Quick update: macaroni was not macaroni. It was pene pasta with red sauce and some sprinkled cheddar cheese on it. It tasted a lot like spaghetti-o's! Vicki took the time at dinner to show us the new leopard print skirt and matching blazer she made. "Muy sexxii!" She explained to us that she shops, finds things she likes and then has to go find fabric and make it because she is too large for the regular clothes.. We were unsure how to respond so we just kinda laughed and said "no, no!" She then showed us the blue and white polka dot apron she made for the fiesta she has tomorrow at the kids' school where she will pass out churros. When she came out wearing it we literally could not refrain from laughing.. Life in Spain is absolutely great and we could not be happier girls! Today was nothing short of amazing and it is only going to get better! To say we are blessed is a large understatement. Until I return from Granada.. Adios!

Our fancy dining room. The order we have come to sit in goes Laura, Katrina, Me and then Tricia

Where Vicki naps, sews, eats, watches her soaps and of course, smokes. Katrina called it her throne and I don't think there is any better way to describe it.

How could life be anything but great when you get to see this??

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